5-Deazaflavin (TND1128)

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Learn about 5-Deazaflavin
(NAD+ similar substances)

“5-deazaflavin (TND1128) is
drawing significant attention as a next-generation
anti-aging supplement due to its ability to activate mitochondria and sirtuin genes,
which is several times greater than that of NMN.”


What Is 5-Deazaflavin ?


5-deazaflavin shares a structure closely resembling natural vitamin B2, yet its actual function is believed to be similar to that of the vitamin B3 backbone NAD+ and NADP+.
Its power is tremendous, and as a substance analogous to Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD), which is the most crucial molecule involved in energy production and cellular metabolic processes, the activation effect on mitochondria/sirtuin genes (longevity genes) is said to be tens of times greater than that of the globally popular anti-aging supplement “NMN”Source: Vitamin, Volume 72, Issue 7, July, Professor Saou Sasai, Applied Life Sciences, Osaka City University

Effectiveness Comparison With NMN


NMN, once ingested, undergoes a reaction with the enzyme NAMPT in the body to acquire functions similar to NAD+.
Subsequently, it activates mitochondria and sirtuin genes.
On the other hand, 5-deazaflavin (TND1128) is a substance analogous to NAD+ itself, allowing it to directly interact with mitochondria and sirtuin genes.

Comparative Lifespan Extension Study – Comparison of NMN and 5-Deazaflavin (TND1128) –

Comparative Study

In comparative lifespan extension experiments conducted on nematodes,
5-deazaflavin has been demonstrated to exhibit higher efficacy compared to domestically produced research reagent β-NMN.
*Nematodes, organisms whose lifespan curve resembles that of humans,
are commonly used as model organisms in biological and medical research for studying human aging,
disease progression, genetic elucidation, and other related areas. Besides nematodes,
mice are also renowned as experimental model organisms.

Study on Brain Calcium Concentration – Comparison of NMN and 5-Deazaflavin (TND1128)

Comparative Study

Comparison of effects on Ca 2 + overload induced by high-concentration KCl stimulation in mouse brain slice preparations


Using mouse brain slice samples, the inhibitory effects on fluctuations in cytoplasmic and mitochondrial Ca2+ concentrations induced by depolarization stimulation were comparatively evaluated.

Measuring method

Based on data showing a significant increase in Sir-1 gene expression 24 hours after administration, efficacy assessments were conducted 24 hours post-administration.


Both β-NMN and deazaflavin demonstrate regulatory effects on cytoplasmic and mitochondrial Ca concentrations, but TND1128 was over 100 times more potent in its effectiveness. As shown in Figures 1, 2, 5, and 6, examination of the effects of β-NMN and deazaflavin on cytoplasmic and mitochondrial levels reveals that they maintain highly stable physiological responses. If this can be replicated in the human brain, it could lead to powerful brain protection effects.

Source: Comparison of the effects of mitochondrial activator β-NMN and a new compound (5-deazaflavin) on Ca 2 + overload induced by high-concentration KCl stimulation in mouse brain slice specimens
Yoshihisa Kudo (Department of Anesthesiology, Tokyo Medical University Hachioji Medical Center) / Nanae Takahashi (Doctor of Medicine, Department of General Medicine, Tokyo Medical University Hachioji Medical Center)

Clinical Study on the Growth of Hippocampal Cells in the Brain

Clinical Research

Research on the development of cultured hippocampal cells in mouse brain by activation of ATP production (Tokyo Medical University)

Immunostaining image of
hippocampal neuron axon (Axon)

On the fourth day of culture, axons were immunostained at tau regression. The left shows the control (target group), and the right shows the sample-treated neurons to which Deazaflavin (1 μM) was added only once on the first day of culture.

Hippocampal neuron dendrites
(Dendrite) immunostaining image

On the fourth day of culture, dendrites were immunostained with MAP2 antibody. The left shows Control (control group), and the right shows neurons to which Deazaflavin (1 μM) was added only once on the first day of culture.

In the Otapus specimen
Immunostaining image of synapse

The left shows Control (control group), and the right shows neurons whose excitatory synapses were immunostained with VGLUT1 antibody on the 14th day of culture after Deazaflavin (1 μM) was added only once on the first day of culture.

source: The novel mitochondria activator, 10-ethyl-3-methylpyrimido[4,5-b] quinoline-2,4(3H,10H)-dione (TND1128), promotes the development of hippocampal neuronal morphology

Clinical Study on Spontaneous Motor Ability and Antioxidant Capacity

Clinical Research

Study conducted at Kumamoto University on the effects of Deazaflavin on increasing spontaneous motor ability and antioxidant capacity in mice under low oxygen conditions.

Left: Spontaneous motor ability of mice under low oxygen conditions
Right: Experimental results of Deazaflavin on d-ROMs (oxidative stress) and BAP (antioxidant power).
A, B, and C correspond to differences in oxygen concentration,
where A represents 20%, B indicates a decrease from 20% to 7% over a period of 5 minutes,
and C depicts the condition after 10 minutes at 7% oxygen concentration.

Locomotor ability of mice under hypoxic conditions

On the fourth day of culture, axons were immunostained at tau regression. The left shows the control (target group), and the right shows the sample-treated neurons to which Deazaflavin (1 μM) was added only once on the first day of culture.

D-ROMs (oxidative stress degree) and BAP (antioxidant
Experimental results of the effect of Deazaflavin on force)

The potential antioxidant power is shown by the values ​​of ROMs (degree of oxidative stress), BAP (antioxidant power), and BAP/d-ROMs. Even in hypoxia, significant effects are seen when the dose exceeds 10 mg.

Efficacy Observed in Clinical Studies

NMN, once ingested, reacts with the enzyme NAMPT in the body to acquire functions similar to NAD+. Subsequently, it activates mitochondria and Sirtuin genes. On the other hand, 5-Deazaflavin (TND1128) is a substance similar to NAD+ itself, allowing it to directly influence mitochondria and Sirtuin genes. Moreover, mitochondria activated by 5-Deazaflavin (TND1128) produce 95% of the energy required for cell activity, maintaining the vitality of all cells, including immune cells, in a youthful state. Simultaneously, by activating Sirtuin genes (also known as longevity genes) within cells, it is believed to prevent aging in organisms and extend lifespan. Regarding 5-Deazaflavin (TND1128), over 1,500 clinical trials have been conducted in university research institutions, and I would like to introduce the contents of these trials. *However, it’s important to note that these clinical studies are in the early stages, and further research and validation are needed in the future.

Effect on blood pressure and blood sugar levels

Research on 5-deazaflavin has shown some promising effects, such as improvements in patients’ blood pressure and blood sugar levels, related to symptoms caused by insulin deficiency or reduced cellular energy metabolism.

Effect on brain cells

Brain cells rely heavily on energy produced by mitochondria. Decreased mitochondrial function is sometimes observed in patients with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, and it has been pointed out that this may affect brain cell dysfunction and cell death. Research suggests that mitochondrial activation and maintenance of healthy conditions contribute to supporting brain health.

Relationship with metabolism and vascular health

Research shows that mitochondrial activation can improve energy metabolism, which may be beneficial for obesity prevention and treatment. Additionally, research on sirtuin gene activation suggests that it may be related to suppressing inflammation and maintaining blood vessel health.

Relationship with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects

Some research on 5-deazaflavin points to its possible positive effects in maintaining cellular health, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Ongoing clinical trials have reported that some improvements have been observed in skin conditions such as atopic dermatitis, plaque psoriasis, and severe acne, but these results require further research and validation.

Effect on ovum age

Recent research suggests that there is a link between egg aging and decreased mitochondrial function. This suggests that the inability of mitochondria to efficiently produce energy may affect the health and fertilization potential of eggs. In actual clinical trials, cases were confirmed in which a 60-year-old woman regained her period.

Patent And Pharmaceutical Development

About patents

The activation of mitochondria and sirtuin genes within cells by 5-deazaflavin has been patented.
Furthermore, based on the clinical research results conducted at the Karolinska Institute in Europe, the pharmaceutical application was submitted in 2023.
For further details and specific research papers, please contact us through the inquiry form and specify your request.




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